Programming and Tecnologies: Programming and Tecnologies: Programming and Tecnologies:
My Github Stats: My Github Stats: My Github Stats:
Skills: Skills: Skills:
Soft-Skills: Soft-Skills: Soft-Skills:
How did I start How did I start How did I start
For me, it all started when I was 7 years old. In my house, there was an all-in-one PC, and I wanted to make a video game. However, I had so many questions about how I was supposed to tell my game what to do. That's when I first came across coding.
Obviously, being seven years old and trying to learn something advanced like C++ on a laggy computer didn't end well. Years passed, and in middle school, I had to take a computer science class. When I first coded in HTML and CSS, I said, "This is easy," and that's when it all started. After that, I began searching on my own about how to make "the cool stuff," and I came across Python, which is still one of my favorite coding languages even today.
Today Today Today
Currently, I’m a student planning to attend college to pursue a degree in computer science. I’m also working on my biggest project so far: D'Libertti. It’s an open-source group development initiative designed to create valuable projects with a strong focus on the community. I have grand plans for this venture and am excited to see it evolve from just an idea into something tangible in the near future.